Sunday, September 16, 2012


you can't always please everyone in your life.
"why do you work during your sem-break?"
"why DON'T you work during your sem-break?"
"why aren't you interning?"
"why don't you take minor courses?"
"isn't that a bit too obsessive? studying only chemistry throughout your degree years."
"what if the chemistry thing didn't work out? isn't that the reason people take minor courses?"
"what's your back-up plan?"
"why are you so concerned about your project? relax la."
okay, i get it.
i might not have made the smartest choices in life,
and i can be obsessive at times.
but i'm not obsessive towards everything, only certain things.
i feel that life as a student is a short one.
you're only 22 once in your life-time.
you can only be one of the thousands of 20 year-olds entering universities once in your life.
and when my time as a student comes to an end, my 50years-life(assumption) as a career-woman begins.
so do my financial problems and the need for me to have a realistic 'Life' plan.
so what if i refuse to work for the time being?
so what if i refuse to intern?
and what's wrong with knowing what i want to do in my life, and thereby NOT wasting my time on minor courses that i have no interest towards?
i find it to be a blessing for having a particular interest and the privilege to have a chance to make a living out of it.
i'm glad that i've already prepared a 5-years plan for myself even before i got my degree.
and i'm thankful that even though i may not have as much working/interning experience than my other friends and coursemates, i am able to help lighten my parents burden by paying my school fees and my expenditures by myself(with the government's scholarship+the rakyat's tax-money)
i might not have spent my sem-breaks as "productively" as my friends,
but with an obsessive-compulsive behaviour,
sem-breaks are my time to rest.
i'm only human, i need to be lazy and normal once in a while.
so sue me for not part-time-ing and interning.
everyone has different plans for themselves,
because everyone lives a different life, grew up in different environments.
i was not born and raise in the same environment as you are,
i do not know what's in you mind, nor you i.
since i don't judge the decisions you make for yourself,
it's only respectful of you to reciprocate the deed and respect my decisions i've made for myself.
"don't pretend to be an expert in my life when your life is as a tangled mess as mine.
at least my tangled mess is color-coordinated."-TKL
(p.s: i wanted to quote ghandi or mother theresa...heard one of their quote the other day and it was quite good...but i couldn't find it somehow, so i quoted myself instead.)

1 comment:

  1. Life so short, so do whatever you want, as long as you are happy with it. no need care about others as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. add oil khaw lin. :))
