Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Bachelorette

Wouldn't it be nice, if every woman on earth gets the chance to have so many guys being interested in her, like that reality show "The Bachelorette"?
I'm not saying that as a person we can two-time (or rather....multiple-time) with other guys/girls in a relationship,
it's just that i feel..that..we should be given a chance to be exposed to a variety of people,
in order to be sure of who and what kind of guy(or girl) that is suitable for ourselves.
i'm looking at it from a bird's eye view.
1) how can we know that a person is right for us (and vice versa),
if we were only approached with that particular person in our whole entire bachelor-period?
2) if love at first sight really exists and arranged marriages actually works,
why is the divorce-rates still high?
3) which advice are we suppose to listen to, "date la", or "wait, the right man will come one day and you'll just know it's him you're meant to be with".
in each of our memories i'm sure we'd have an image or two of an old lady/man who regrets on her marriage to a man who doesn't truly loves her, and complain about how miserable life is for him/her.
i don't want to be that lady.
but apparently nature does not work according to my demands.
i'll be frank,
there are guys who made me think about the 'what if's.
'what if there really is a connection between us.'
'what if he's the one.'
'what if he feels for me the same way i feel for him.'
there are guys that distinguishes themselves in the friend-zone immediately after we get to know each other,
(these things are really easy to detect)
which is good, i do need more guy-friends in my circle of connections.
it's not exactly healthy to hang around girls all the time,
it has the tendency to make you queer, or male-phobic.
and then there are guys that you just know that they're on a completely different frequency than mine,
weird, creepy, not-so-right-in-the-head, no chemistry, have nothing in common with me.
those which i tend to stay away from.
i'll focus on the first group,
because they frustrate me the most.
everytime i felt even a slight attachment to them,
everytime i thought,'maybe, i should open up more to him',
everytime i'm about to take a leap of faith and maybe get some closure,
they'd do something that disappoints me.
then my walls automatically goes up again and i start to scrutinize on the situation,
and comes to a conclusion: not Him.
i've always wondered,
if it's my problem, or if my guy really exists at all.
if it's my fault,i'm fixing my flaws,
but if it's not, then where the hell is he?
from the bottom of my heart i hated guys (sometimes).
which brings me to ponder upon the possibilities of me, to renounce and be a nun,
because i doubt my family will accept it if i told them i want to stay single for my whole life.
but that's another story i'll tell you about next time.


  1. I believe the part about being with girls all the time effects apply to me. I some how feel something when I surround myself to guys. It just a feeling which I cannot explain but I dislike it. That what I know.

  2. Einstein said we will meet more than 20000 people that is suitable to us.... when u grab 1, just be sure he is the one......

  3. how can we be sure? that's the problem...

  4. That 20000 persons is match u.... Just ask ur heart... It will give u special signal...

  5. How can be sure he is the one.....
    1. whenever u sad nor happy, the person that u wana share everything with him.
    2. when u suddenly awake from sleep... the 1st face that appear on ur mind...
    3. u wish to see him in the crowd... but once u see him... u will get nervous and wish to run away from him...
    if u have all these... then he is ur mr right....

  6. i watched tis reality show bf...im wondering those guys are fond of the woman'money or there is a real true love between them...Is there any possibility of existence of true love just after few date without knowing each other well...sometimes i do think that whether i will be lonely aging woman in future...but i rather not to start a relationship that only for months or years but not life...but how a relationship can sustain for life...

  7. thx..gave me a lot to think about..
