Sunday, February 26, 2012


show you something cute:

 taken before cny..during study/exam week...the time i suddenly feel like spring cleaning rather than studying...
she wouldn't leave me alone to clean in peace, so into the laundry basket she goes!
then i brought her up and down the stairs (in the basket with my toys)
january's edition of time magazine:
lionel messi~
personally, i don't watch football(or any kind of sports), i just like to stare at his face :P
i think that argentina(should be argentina,right?where people are not so fond of him despite his amazing talents) should give him a break...
it's football. 
not nuclear war.
seriously man.
so the sun is shining very brightly today...and my camera(s) are working fine...
= camwhore.



1 comment:

  1. Over worked camera... Cute Lola. But she ain't cute to me...
