Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year

You don't know what kind of person you are until you tried to live your life.
You don't know what personality you have without being mindful of the things you do consciously or unconsciously everyday.
You don't know what kind of a girl/boyfriend you are, until you've fallen in love.
You don't know what kind of friend you are, until you tried to be a friend.
You don't know how good you are in something, until you've tried it.
I learnt that the best advice you or anyone can give yourself is when experience is involved.
If you've never tried, if you've never been in that situation before, how do you know how anything feels?
How can you give advice to those going through it?
2012 has taught me many things that I will forever remember in my mind...
The good ones I will practice,
The bad ones I will not repeat,
The happy ones I will keep in mind, and always reminisce upon it,
The painful ones I will try to forget, to move on from it.
I am not a pleasant person,
Nor am I kind.
I am selfish at times,
And passive and aggressive.
Life is not an easy journey.
When I had a rough time,
When I feel down,
When I feel neglected and so small and insignificant,
I'd tell myself that.
Life is not an easy journey.
Life, is not an easy journey.
Life is not, an easy journey.
But I am living,
That made me a survivor.
It's hard, but I'm still alive.
Waking up, morning after morning, day after day,
I am alive.
With every passing second,
I grow stronger.
Once in a while I might get beaten down by my own delusions,
Once in a while I fall into my black hole,
Once in a while the devil talks to me,
But everytime I claw, I dig, I drag myself out and away from darkness,
Exhausted, bloody, scarred.
I'm still here,
At least, I'm still here.
The world goes on like nothing had happened.
But so many thing HAS happened.
It just chose to ignore all that.
Well I choose to acknowledge, mark down, and remember it.
If I don't remember, who will?
If I don't appreciate, who will?
If I don't care, who will?
It's my life.
It's not the world's.
Shit happens.
I get mad.
I threw tantrums.
I cry.
Cry, I did.
Until my head feels heavy,
My brain stops thinking,
My eyes run out of tears.
Then I wake up the next day,
And go on living.
Every footstep punctures my feet with a thousand needles,
Every step forward feels like a thousand miles.
Every once in a while storm hits, and blew me a few steps back.
But I just need to put one feet in front of the other,
Just take one more step,
Just one more.
Maybe then I would be a better person.
One more step ahead.
My hands are cold,
My body is shivering.
But I have to keep moving.
Because life is not an easy journey.
Because nobody will care if I don't.
But I do care.
And therefore I'm alive.

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